Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Acne herbal remedy

« ...It doesn't matter whether you call them pimples, zits or acne. End of the day, we all just can't stand their sight and can't wait to burst them. Often, common advice is to let your body heal them the natural way. However if you just have to get rid of your pimples, follow the exact 5 important steps below to avoid skin damage and permanent scarring. This is applicable to pimples or acne on every body parts....
...The acne industry is a greedy one motivated by money. It releases new acne cleansers and pills each month to unsuspecting acne sufferers for high prices and high profits......»
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«...Take some generic oatmeal and water. Mix the two together to create a paste. Rub that over your face and leave it on for around 10-20 minutes, then rinse with water. Try this 2 times daily, if possible. This works more for oily skin, as it pulls the oil from your face, which helps your acne, because oil clogs your pores....»
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tags: prescription medication for acne scars, clearasil ultra acne clearing gel wash reviews, can ortho cyclen improve chin acne and make breasts bigger

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